We love Sauerkraut! So if you're searching for a recipe or two to include in your fermentation journey, we have you covered! This page will provide helpful information about sauerkraut, including recipes, recommended equipment, FAQs, and many troubleshooting tips.
If you're new to making sauerkraut, get started with these posts --> Homemade Sauerkraut, Juniper and Caraway Sauerkraut, Sauerkraut Juice, and Curtido, a fermented cabbage recipe from El Salvador.
I love sharing sauerkraut troubleshooting tips that make my everyday life a bit easier. Here you will find very simple instructions on How to Fix Too Salty Sauerkraut, How To Prevent Mushy Sauerkraut, and How Long To Ferment Sauerkraut?
We even have a handy salt brine calculator to help you nail down the correct salt percentage for making sauerkraut.
If you are looking for an answer to a specific question about making sauerkraut? You'll find it here!
Does Store Bought Sauerkraut Have Probiotics?
Does Sauerkraut Cause Gas - Separating Fact from Fiction
Why Sauerkraut Turned Brown On Top (and what to do about it)
Why Sauerkraut Gets Too Salty & How to Fix It
Can You Freeze Sauerkraut? (Yes and here is how)
Fermentation Weights: Ideas For Keeping Your Ferments Submerged
Best Fermentation Crock [Buyers Guide]
How To Make Homemade Sauerkraut
Prevent Mushy Sauerkraut
Fermented Curtido Recipe
Is a Starter Culture Necessary for Making Sauerkraut? Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks
The Lowdown on Carbs in Sauerkraut
The Battle Of The Fermented Foods: Sauerkraut Vs Kimchi
62 Fascinating Facts About Sauerkraut: Unveiling the Secrets of Fermented Cabbage
How Much Sauerkraut Should I Eat Daily For A Healthy Gut?
Is All Sauerkraut Fermented? Unraveling the Fermentation Mystery
Juniper and Caraway Sauerkraut Recipe
Best Cabbage for Sauerkraut -The Ultimate Guide
Can Sauerkraut Go Bad? Here's How You Can Tell
Sauerkraut Juice
Does Cooking Sauerkraut Kill Probiotics?
How Long To Ferment Sauerkraut?
Bubbling in Sauerkraut FAQ's
17 Delicious Ways To Eat Sauerkraut
How Much Salt To Use To Make Sauerkraut
Make Sauerkraut Less Sour (Tips that will save your sauerkraut)
Can Dogs Eat Sauerkraut
Is Sauerkraut Keto Friendly?
Avocado Sauerkraut Sushi Recipe