Many enjoy Apple cider, a beloved drink, especially during the crisp fall season. But despite its popularity, there’s one common question that persists among cider enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike: does apple cider have alcohol?
Some believe that all apple cider is alcoholic, while others swear it's possible to enjoy this beverage without getting tipsy. So, what’s the truth?
In this article, we will look closely at apple cider and explore its many variations so that you can enjoy this delicious drink with confidence and clarity. Let’s go!
What Is Apple Cider? And How Is It Different from Apple Juice?
So there’s no confusion; let’s start by clarifying what we mean by “apple cider.” And one of the best ways to do that is to distinguish it from its close counterpart, apple juice.
While they are both made from apples, apple cider is more like raw apple juice. The only real difference is that apple cider typically contains all the apple pieces, sediment, and pulp used during production.
At the same time, these elements are usually filtered out in apple juice. This is why apple cider tends to have a cloudier appearance than apple juice.
Another key element separates the two - producers usually heat apple juice before bottling it. This makes it less perishable than apple cider (which is why you typically only see apple juice on store shelves) and changes its texture, color, and flavor.
Does Apple Cider Contain Alcohol?
You already know that apples don't naturally contain alcohol, so now it’s time for the big question: does apple cider contain alcohol?
And the answer is…it depends.
If you have fresh apple cider, then no, it shouldn’t contain alcohol. Apples don’t naturally contain alcohol, so you shouldn’t worry about it if you drink fresh stuff.
However, if your apple cider sits out for a while, it can become alcoholic. If you leave apple cider unpasteurized and unrefrigerated, it will naturally go through a fermentation process.
During fermentation, microorganisms, such as yeast, consume the sugars in apple cider and convert them into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
While you can intentionally ferment apple cider by adding yeast, this process can also occur naturally when exposed to the air and any wild yeast or bacteria in the environment.
So, if you want to keep your apple cider non-alcoholic, then it’s best to drink it as soon as possible. For best results, try to consume it within about two weeks.
Related: Top 10 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Is Apple Cider the Same as Hard Cider?
While apple cider can turn into hard cider, they are generally not considered the same thing - at least not in North America.
In North America, fresh, unfiltered, non-alcoholic apple juice is called apple juice, and alcoholic, fermented apple juice is referred to as hard cider.
So, if you order an apple cider in this part of the world, there’s an excellent chance you’ll be getting the alcoholic version.
And while outside of North America can be a different story, apple cider refers to the boozy stuff in many places. You’ll probably find it near the beer and wine listings on a menu.
You can always double-check if you’re vacationing abroad, but don’t be surprised if that apple cider you ordered has a kick!
What About Apple Cider Vinegar?
Unlike both apple cider and hard cider, apple cider vinegar goes through not one but two fermentation processes.
After the yeast converts the sugars into alcohol, bacteria is added into the mix and turns the alcohol into acetic acid. This gives apple cider vinegar its signature sour taste and pungent smell.
It may sound more difficult to make than apple or hard cider, but it doesn’t have to be - you can even make apple cider vinegar from scraps!
How Is Apple Cider Made?
You can make apple cider at home if you want to ensure it is alcohol-free. Fortunately, the process isn’t too complicated if you follow the steps below.
Step 1: Pick Your Apples
You can use any apples to make apple cider, as long as they’re fresh. However, the type you use will affect the taste of the drink.
If you want a traditional, sweeter apple cider, try looking for apple trees with the following:
- Gala
- Jonagold
- Fuji
- Pink Lady
Or, for a more acidic or sharp-tasting one, try using the following:
- Granny Smith
- McIntosh
- Cortland
Whatever you decide, using a variety is always a good idea. This can make your cider that much more flavorful.
Step 2: Wash and Mash Apples
After thoroughly washing your apples of choice, mash and grind them until they look similar to apple sauce, feel free to mix the stems, core, and skin in, though you may want to remove some larger pieces later.
Step 3: Press Apples
Once you’ve achieved the right consistency, you can press them. You’ll probably need a hydraulic press if you’re making a large amount, but a manual press should do just fine for smaller batches.
Step 4: Filter Pulp (Optional)
While this step is optional, some prefer to filter out the pulp and sediment from the extracted juice.
Step 5: Customize
There’s nothing wrong with plain apple cider, but there are many additions you can try if you’d like to change things up.
Add a little caramel syrup, a cinnamon stick, or other fruit juice like cranberry to keep things nonalcoholic.
Or, if you want to add an alcoholic kick and have a little patience, you can always make a simple hard apple cider - just make sure the bottles don’t explode on you! Otherwise, rum, vodka, or bourbon are also great options. This can be especially good if you heat it for a warm glass of hot apple cider.
Alcoholic or Non-Alcoholic Apple Cider?
While fresh apple cider doesn’t naturally contain alcohol, it can turn alcoholic if you leave it unpasteurized and unrefrigerated. So, if you want to ensure that your apple cider remains alcohol-free, one of the best things you can do is make it yourself.
Besides, you can always add the alcohol later if you want to switch up your beverage!